We can thank Carole Jackson for publishing
her hugely successful book “Color Me Beautiful” in the 80’s for making color analysis understandable and mainstream.
However, it was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749-1832) who created color psychology and the painter Johannes Itten (1919 to 1933), a Professor at Bauhaus University in Germany who figured out that certain colors looked better with different hair color and complexions and went ahead and created 4 Seasons of color. Art students took this information and created more attractive portraits. It can be argued that great artists naturally had a talent to create harmony in color in their work and any visit to any museum would qualify this statement.
A color theorist and fashion designer, Suzanne Caygill, combined the color psychology and Seasonal Color Theory to take into account personality and style and suggested that colors found in nature related to personal straits such as skin, hair and eyes. So you can see this is no gimmick and when someone says they do not believe in Seasonal Colors they are dismissing something that all the great artists have known about for centuries.